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Article summary

What is the file size limit for SCORM packages?

The maximum size for SCORM packages is 350MB. Refer to our SmarterU File Uploads article for additional details.

Learners are reporting that their SCORM course did not complete correctly for them. What should I do?

Verify that the course’s publishing settings are accurate, based on our recommended settings for your software:

Why is my SCORM course not launching?

The most common reason a SCORM course won't launch is that your browser is blocking popups. Refer to Disabling Pop-Up Blockers for details.

If your course still does not launch after disabling the browser's pop-up blocker, you may need to update the SCORM package's properties and change the SCO Launch Type to New Window. If this still does not allow your course to launch, please contact our Success Desk

Does SmarterU support xAPI?

Yes! SmarterU does support xAPI.

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