Status Descriptions for Learning Plans, Certifications, and Requirements
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Status Descriptions for Learning Plans, Certifications, and Requirements

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Article summary

A number of dashboards will include status blocks that summarize the status of learning plans, certifications, and requirements. 

The statuses contained in the status blocks for learning plans, certifications, and requirements are described below. 


The learner previously completed the learning plan, certification, or requirement, but has not re-completed it after the period of time  or date that it was valid for. On pages where expired learning plans, certifications, or requirements are not counted separately (e.g., Learning Plans Dashboard, Certifications Dashboard), they'll be included in the Not Met count.


The learner has completed the learning plan, certification, or requirement.

Met by Default

This status only applies to requirements. The requirement is fulfilled when it's initially assigned to the learner. Requirements that are met by default will be included in the count for Met requirements.


The learner previously completed the learning plan, certification, or requirement, but is within the specified amount of time (i.e., warning period) prior to its expiration.

Not Met

The learner has not completed the learning plan, certification, or requirement. On pages where expired learning plans, certifications, or requirements are not counted separately (e.g., Learning Plans Dashboard, Certifications Dashboard), they'll be included in the Not Met count.

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