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API: getLearnerCertificationPivotReport
- 7 Minutes to read
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- Starting June 1, 2022, SmarterU will require all API calls to POST to HTTPS. Any POST to HTTP will result in the SU:01 error (i.e., No POST data detected.).
- If you are viewing the help in a language other than English, please change your language to English before copying and pasting any code. All API attributes and functions are in English.
- Tags are required unless specified.
The getLearnerCertificationPivotReport returns the following for the specified certification:
- The users who are assigned the certification
- The user's status for each course and action associated with the certification
The getLearnerCertificationPivotReport returns a maximum of 2000 users, 200 courses, and 200 actions. These limits are independent of one another.
Who Has Access
The following users have access to the getLearnerCredentialReport method:
- Users with the Group Manager, or View Learner Results group permission.
- Supervisors, if the account's Supervisor Access setting's Report on Supervisees option is checked.
- Administrators and owners.
API Call XML Package
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
Certification Tag Group
The Certification tag group is a container for how the response is returned and the report filters.
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
The Certification tag may contain the following.
Page (optional)
The page number to return. The default is 1.
PageSize (optional)
The maximum number of records to return on the page. If the PageSize tag is not provided, up to 50 results are returned by default. The maximum allowed value is 100.
SortField (optional)
The field used to sort the results:
- Name - The results will be sorted by user names.
- Employee_ID - The results will be sorted by employee IDs.
SortOrder (optional)
The directions the results will be sorted:
- Asc - The results will be sorted in ascending order.
- Desc - The results will be sorted in descending order.
The Filters tag group is a container for the report filters. Refer to Filters Tag Group.
Filters Tag Group
The Filters tag group is a container for the report filters.
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
- OR -
The Filters tag may contain the following.
The Certifications tag is a container for the certifications to include in the response.
Each certification is contained in a Certification tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The certification's system-generated identifier. |
Users (optional)
The Users tag is a container for the users to include in the response.
- OR -
- OR -
Each user is contained in a User tag and may contain the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The user's system-generated identifier. This is the ID returned by the getUser and listUsers methods. |
The user's email address. This is the Email returned by the getUser and listUsers methods. | |
EmployeeID | The user's employee ID. This is the EmployeeID returned by the getUser and listUsers methods. |
UserCustomFields (optional)
The UserCustomFields tag is a container for the custom user field values to include in the response.
Each custom user field filter is contained in a UserCustomField tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
CustomFieldName | The custom user field's name. To specify the field name of a hierarchical custom user field, separate each level with a greater than symbol (>). |
CustomFieldValue | The value of the custom user field. To specify the value for a hierarchical custom user field, separate each level with a greater than symbol (>). |
UserHomeGroups (optional)
The UserHomeGroups tag group is a container for the home groups to include in the response.
Each home group is contained in a UserHomeGroup tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The group's user-specified identifier. |
Supervisors (optional)
The Supervisors tag group is a container for the supervisors to include in the response.
- OR -
- OR -
Each supervisor is contained in a Supervisor tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The supervisor's system-generated identifier. This is the ID returned by the getUser and listUsers methods. |
The supervisor's email address. | |
EmployeeID | The supervisor's employee ID. |
Credentials (optional)
The Credentials tag group is a container for the actions to include in the response.
Each action is contained in a Credential tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The action's system-generated identifier. This is the CredentialID returned by the getCredential and listCredentials methods. |
LearningModules (optional)
The LearningModules tag group is a container for the courses to include in the response.
Each course is contained in a LearningModule tag and contains the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The course's user-specified identifier. |
EnrollmentStates (optional)
The EnrollmentStates tag group is a container for the enrollment statuses to include in the response.
Each enrollment status is contained in an EnrollmentState tag. Acceptable values are:
- Enrolled
- In Progress
- Complete
- Warning
- Overdue
- Not Enrolled
CredentialStates (optional)
The CredentialStates tag is a container for the action statuses to include in the response.
Each action status is contained in a CredentialState tag. Acceptable values are:
- Accepted
- Pending
- Review
- Not Assigned
API Response XML Package
The API response XML package will always include a Result, Info, and Errors tag.
<LearnerCertificationPivotReport rows=”” rowlimitreached=”” courselimitreached=”” credentiallimitreached=””>
The response may also contain the following.
The Columns tag is a container for the response's column headers.
Each column is contained in a Column tag and may contain the following.
Tag | Description |
ReportName | The system-generated name for the report. The ReportName will be prefixed with Credential_ or Learningmodule_. |
DisplayName | The name of the course or action. |
Type | Indicates what's displayed in the column. Possible values are:
The LearnerCertificationPivotReport is a container for the learners, and their status for the course or action.
<LearnerCertificationPivotReport rows=”” rowlimitreached=”” courselimitreached=”” credentiallimitreached=””>
The following attributes are contained in the LearnerCertificationPivotReport tag and provide notification when a limit was reached.
- rows - The number of records that meet the specified filters.
- rowlimitreached - Indicates whether the maximum number of learners that can be returned (i.e., 2000) for the certification was reached.
- courselimitreached - Indicates whether the maximum number of courses that can be returned (i.e., 200) for the certification was reached.
- credentiallimitreached - Indicates whether the maximum number of actions that can be returned (i.e., 200) for the certification was reached.
Each learner is contained in a Learner tag and may contain the following.
Tag | Description |
ID | The user's system-generated identifier. |
LastName | The user's surname. |
FirstName | The user's given name. |
EmployeeID | The user's employee ID. |
LearningModule_nnn | The user's status for the course. |
Credential_nnn | The user's status for the action. |
Example API Response XML Package
<DisplayName>Photo ID</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Emergency Contact Form</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Customer Service: Retail</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Using the Point-of-Sales System</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Fitting Customers for Footwear</DisplayName>
<LearnerCertificationPivotReport rows=”4” rowlimitreached=”false” courselimitreached=”false” credentiallimitreached=”false”>
<credential_200>Not Assigned</credential_200>
Error Codes
Error Code | Message |
CLGPR:01 | The page number provided is not valid. |
CLGPR:02 | The page size provided is not valid. |
CLGPR:03 | The sort field provided is not valid. |
CLGPR:04 | The sort order provided is not valid. |
GLCPR:05 | The required permissions are not met to call the getLearnerCertificationPivotReport method. |
GLCPR:06 | The value for the sort order must be ASC or DESC. |
GLCPR:07 | The value for the sort field must be NAME or EMPLOYEE_ID. |
GLCPR:08 | One or more of the user email and/or employee ids provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:09 | One or more of the custom field names provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:10 | Encrypted custom fields cannot be used for filtering. |
GLCPR:11 | One or more of the custom hierarchical custom field values is invalid. |
GLCPR:12 | One or more of the home groups provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:13 | One or more of the supervisor email and/or employee ids provided are invalid. |
>GLCPR:14 | One or more certifications provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:15 | One or more credentials provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:16 | One or more learning modules provided are invalid. |
GLCPR:17 | Invalid enrollment status filter, allowed values are Enrolled, In Progress, Completed, and Not Enrolled. |
GLCPR:18 | Invalid credential status filter, allowed values are Pending, Review, Accepted, and Not Assigned. |
GLCPR:19 | No certifications were found using the filters provided. |
GLCPR:20 | One or more learning module filters provided are not assigned to the certifications provided. |
GLCPR:21 | One or more credential filters provided are not assigned to the certifications provided. |
GLCPR:22 | No learning modules or credentials are assigned to the certifications provided. |