API: getLearnerReport
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API: getLearnerReport

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Article summary

  • Starting June 1, 2022, SmarterU will require all API calls to POST to HTTPS. Any POST to HTTP will result in the SU:01 error (i.e., No POST data detected.).
  • If you are viewing the help in a language other than English, please change your language to English before copying and pasting any code. All API attributes and functions are in English.
  • Tags are required unless specified.


The getLearnerReport method runs an Enrollment Report.

The Enrollment Report was previously named the Learner Report.

API Call XML Package

   <Method>getLearnerReport </Method>

                  - OR -
                        - OR -










                  - OR -
                     - AND/OR -




Report Tag Group

The Report tag group is a container for how the response is returned and the report filters.


            - OR -
                  - OR -










            - OR -
               - AND/OR -




The Report tag may contain the following.

Page (optional)

The page number to return. The default is 1.

PageSize (optional)

The maximum number of records to return. If the PageSize tag is not provided, up to 50 results are returned by default. The maximum allowed value is 1000.


A container for the report filters. Refer to Filters Tag Group.


A container for the columns to include in the response. Refer to Columns Tag Group.


A container for the custom user fields to include in the response. Refer to CustomFields Tag Group.

Filters Tag Group

The Filters tag group is a container for the report filters. 

         - OR -
               - OR -










         - OR -
            - AND/OR -

The Filters tag may contain the following.


The system-generated identifier for the user's course enrollment.


A container for group filters. Refer to Groups Tag Group.

LearningModules (optional)

A container for course filters. Refer to LearningModules Tag Group.


A container for enrollment filters. Refer to Enrollments Tag Group.


A container for user filters. Refer to Users Tag Group.

Groups Tag Group

The Groups tag group is a container for group filters.

      - OR -
            - OR -

The Groups tag may contain the following.


The group's status. This tag is mutually exclusive with the GroupNames tag. Acceptable values are Active, Inactive, or All.


A container for group names. This tag is mutually exclusive with the GroupStatus tag.


Each group name is contained in a GroupName tag. This is the Name returned by the getGroup and listGroups methods.

GroupTags2 (optional)

A container for group tags.

         - OR -

Each tag is contained in a GroupTag2 tag and may contain the following. 



The tag's system-generated identifier. This tag is mutually exclusive with the TagName tag. This is the TagID returned by the getGroup method. 

To obtain a tag's ID:

  1. Navigate to the Tag Management Dashboard.
  2. Right click on a tag.
  3. Click Inspect (or Inspect Element, in some browsers). This displays the Developer Tools in your browser. The tag's ID will be located within the code. 

If you do not see the code, you may need to view a different tab within your Developer Tools.


The tag name. This tag is mutually exclusive with the TagID tag.


The tag's values

LearningModules Tag Group

The LearningModules tag is required even if it doesn't contain any other tags.

The LearningModules tag group is a container for course filters. 









That LearningModules tag may contain the following.

LearningModule (optional)

A container for the courses to include in the response. 


The LearningModule tag may contain the following.

LearningModuleStatusThe course status. Acceptable values are Active, Inactive, or Archived.
LearningModuleNamesA container for course names. Each course name is contained in a LearningModuleName tag.

EnrollmentStatuses (optional)

A container for the enrollment statuses to include in the response. 


The EnrollmentStatuses tag may contain the following.

EnrollmentStatusThe enrollment status. Each enrollment status is contained in an EnrollmentStatus tag. Acceptable values are 
  • Enrolled
  • Unconfirmed
  • In Progress
  • Warning
  • Overdue
  • Attending
  • Not Attending
  • Attended
  • Did Not Attend
  • Cancelled
  • Completed

CompletedDates (optional)

A container for the course completion date range to include in the response.


Each date range is contained in a CompletedDate tag and contains the following.



The first date to include in the course completion date range filter.


The last date to include in the course completion date range filter.

DueDates (optional)

A container for the course due date range to include in the response.


Each date range is contained in a DueDate tag and contains the following.



The first date to include in the course due date range filter.


The last date to include in the course due date range filter.

EnrolledDates (optional)

A container for the course enrollment date range to include in the response.


Each date range is contained in an EnrolledDate tag and contains the following.



The first date to include in the course enrollment date range filter.


The last date to include in the course enrollment date range filter.

GracePeriodDates (optional)

A container for the course grace period date range to include in the response.


Each date range is contained in a GracePeriodDate tag and contains the following.



The first date to include in the course grace period date range filter.


The last date to include in the course grace period date range filter.

LastAccessedDates (optional)

A container for the course last accessed date range to include in the response. 


Each date range is contained a LastAccessedDate tag and contains the following.

Tag Description


The first date to include in the course last accessed date range filter.


The last date to include in the course last accessed date range filter.

StartedDates (optional)

A container for the course start date range to include in the response.


Each date range is contained in a StartedDate tag and contains the following.

Tag Description


The first date to include in the course start date range filter.


The last date to include in the course start date range filter.

Notes About Date Filters

  • We recommend using the dd-MMM-yyyy date format.
  • Specifying multiple filters for a tag will be evaluated using the OR operator. For example, the following would return enrollments that were completed between January 1, 2018 and January 15, 2018, OR enrollments completed between June 1, 2018 and June 15, 2018.



Enrollments Tag Group

The Enrollments tag group is a container for enrollment filters.


The Enrollments tag may contain the following.

CreatedDate (optional)

A container for the enrollment's creation date range. 


The CreatedTag tag contains the following.

Tag Description


The first date to include in the date range filter. 


The last date to include in the date range filter.

  • The date should be in UTC and in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
  • Only one CreatedDate filter can be specified. 
  • If both a CreatedDate filter and a ModifiedDate filter are specified, the method will return all enrollments that were created within the created date range OR modified within the modified date range. For example, if an enrollment was created within the created date range, but its modified date is outside the modified date range, the enrollment will be included.

ModifiedDate (optional)

A container for the enrollment's last updated date range. 


The ModifiedDate tag contains the following.



The first date to include in the date range filter.


The last date to include in the date range filter.

  • The dates should be in UTC and in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
  • Only one ModifiedDate filter can be specified. 
  • If both a CreatedDate filter and a ModifiedDate filter are specified, the method will return all enrollments that were created within the created date range OR modified within the modified date range. For example, if an enrollment was created outside the created date range, but its modified date is within the modified date range, the enrollment will be included.

Users Tag Group

The Users tag group is a container for user filters. 

      - OR -
         - AND/OR -

The Users tag may contain the following.


The user's status. This is mutually exclusive with the UserIdentifier tag. Acceptable values are Active, Inactive, or All


The user's identifier. This is mutually exclusive with the UserStatus tag. The UserIdentifier tag may contain the following.

Tag Description


The user's email address. This is the Email returned by the getUser and listUsers methods.


The user's employee ID. This is the EmployeeID returned by the getUser and listUsers methods.

Columns Tag Group

The Columns tag group is a container for the columns included in the response.


The following columns are always returned:

  • CourseName
  • LastName
  • FirstName
  • LearningModuleID
  • UserID
  • CreatedDate
  • ModifiedDate

 The Columns tag includes the following.


The column's name. Acceptable values are:


CustomFields Tag Group

The CustomFields tag is required even if it doesn't contain any other tags. 

The CustomFields tag group is a container for the custom user fields included in the response. 


The CustomFields tag may contain the following.


The custom user field's name.

API Response XML Package

The API response XML package will always include a Result, Info, and Errors tag.

      <LearnerReport rows="0">
            - Any columns provided in the API call -

The response may also contain the following.


The number of course enrollments included in the response. The LearnerReport tag may contain the following. 

LearnerA container for a user's course enrollment. The tag may contain the following:
  • ID - The system-generated identifier for the user's course enrollment.
  • CourseName - The course's name.
  • LastName - The user's surname.
  • FirstName - The user's given name.
  • LearningModuleID - The coures's system-generated identifier.
  • UserID - The user's system-generated identifier.
  • CreatedDate - The UTC date the enrollment was created.
  • ModifiedDate - The UTC date the enrollment was last updated.
  • Columns specified in the Columns tag group.
  • Custom fields included in the CustomFields tag group.

Example API Response XML Package

      <LearnerReport rows="2">
            <CourseName><![CDATA[Anatomy of a Shoe]]></CourseName>
            <CreatedDate><![CDATA[2018-12-12 13:54:35.13]]></CreatedDate>
            <ModifiedDate><![CDATA[2018-12-12 13:59:23.193]]></ModifiedDate>

            <CourseName><![CDATA[Fina Shoes Demo]]></CourseName>
            <CreatedDate><![CDATA[2018-04-25 18:20:40.633]]></CreatedDate>
            <ModifiedDate><![CDATA[2018-12-13 16:25:18.147]]></ModifiedDate>



Error Codes

Error CodeMessage
GLR:01The group status provided is not valid.
GLR:02The group name provided is not valid.
GLR:03The group tag provided is not valid.
GLR:04The completed date from provided is not valid.
GLR:05The completed date to provided is not valid.
GLR:06The due date from provided is not valid.
GLR:07The due date to provided is not valid.
GLR:08The enrolled date from porvided is not valid.
GLR:09The enrolled date to provided is not valid.
GLR:10The grace period date from provided is not valid.
GLR:11The grace period date to provided is not valid.
GLR:12The last accessed date from provided is not valid.
GLR:13The last accessed date to provided is not valid.
GLR:14The started date from provided is not valid.
GLR:15The started date to provided is not valid.
GLR:16The user status provided is not valid.
GLR:17The email address provided is not valid.
GLR:18The employee ID provided is not valid.
GLR:19The column name provided is not valid.
GLR:20The required permissions are not met to call the getLearnerReport method.
GLR:21The group status provided is not valid.
GLR:22The user status provided is not valid.
GLR:23The completed date provided is not valid.
GLR:24The due date provided is not valid.
GLR:25The enrolled date provided is not valid.
GLR:26The grace period date provided is not valid.
GLR:27The last accessed date provided is not valid.
GLR:28The started date provided is not valid.
GLR:29The field name provided is not valid.
GLR:30The created date provided is not valid.
GLR:31The modified date provided is not valid.
GLR:32The created date from provided is not valid.
GLR:33The created date to provided is not valid.
GLR:34The modified date from provided is not valid.
GLR:35The modified date to provided is not valid.

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