Article: Article Information
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Article: Article Information

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Article summary

These article settings are located in the Article Information accordion of the Add/Edit Article workscreen.


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.


Select the template that the article should use from the list.


Select whether the article is downloadable.


Enter an identifying name for the article. The name can contain up to 300 characters.


Indicates whether the article is viewable by users:

  • Active - The article may be viewed by users.
  • Inactive - The article may not be viewed by users.

Add Thumbnail Image

The image used to represent the article in the learner interface's tile view and list view, and the admin search results.

Refer to SmarterU File Uploads for file specifications.  

To add a thumbnail image, check the Add Thumbnail Image checkbox to upload a new image for the knowledge base article.

If no thumbnail image exists for the article, the article's main image displays. If the article does not have any images, the placeholder image displays.

Available for Purchase

This setting is only available when integrated eCommerce is enabled for the account

If checked, learners may purchase the article.

This setting was added to support upcoming functionality. Enabling this setting currently has no impact on the system.

Default Price

This setting is only available when the Available for Purchase checkbox is checked. 

The default price for the article.

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