Adding an Article
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Adding an Article

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Article summary

In order for users to see the knowledge base in the learner interface, you must add a Knowledge Base type page to the user's dashboard set. Users will also need to have permission to view the articles and files in the knowledge base folder.

To add an article to the knowledge base:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Knowledge Base.
  2. Select the knowledge base to which you'd like to add an article. 
  3. Do one of the following:
  • Click Article.

Add Article Button

  • Right-click the folder to which you would like to add the article and select New Article.

Add Article from Folder

A new tab displays the Add/Edit Article workscreen.

Add Edit Article

  1. The article settings you need to complete will depend on whether the template you selected is a full page article template or a structured page template.

Template Type


Full Page Article

Structured Page

  1. Click Save.

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