Account: External Course Submission
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Account: External Course Submission

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Article summary

This feature is not included with all accounts. Please contact our Success Desk if you would like to add this feature to your account.

External courses are courses or training outside of SmarterU. The account's external course submission settings control whether learners will be allowed to record external courses and how those submissions are handled. 

When you edit your account's settings, the External Course Submission accordion of the Account Profile workscreen includes the following settings.

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Enable External Course Submission

If checked, learners will be able to record courses that they've taken outside of SmarterU.

In order to allow learners to record their courses, you'll also need to add an external course submission type page to their dashboard set.

Enable Home Group Enrollment

This setting is only applicable when the Enable External Course Submission setting is checked. If checked, external courses recorded by learners will occur through their home group

If unchecked, external courses recorded by learners will occur through the group selected in the Enrollment Group setting

Enrollment Group

This setting is only applicable when the Enable Home Group Enrollment setting is unchecked 

Select the group through which external courses recorded by learners will occur.

The selected group will be used for ALL learners who submit external courses. You'll want to make sure that all learners belong to the selected group.

Enable Point Tracker

This setting is only applicable when the Enable External Course Submission setting is checked.  

If checked, learners will earn points toward the selected point tracker when they record external courses. 

Point Tracker

This setting is only applicable when the Enable Point Tracker setting is checked. 

Select the point tracker that learners will earn points toward when they record external courses.

Prompt for Additional Information

This setting is only applicable when the Enable External Course Submission setting is checked. 

If checked, you'll be able to select up to two tags that will be used to prompt learners for additional information. 


This setting is only applicable when the Prompt for Additional Information setting is checked. 

Select up to two tags that learners will need to provide values for when they submit an external course. 

Restrict Enrollments in the Past

This setting is only applicable when the Enable External Course Submission setting is checked. 

If checked, learners will only be able to submit an external course if the course's start and end date are within the specified number of days. If unchecked, learners will be able to submit an external course that they've taken in the past regardless of the course's start or end date. 


This setting is only applicable when the Restrict Enrollments in the Past setting is checked. 

The number of days prior to the current date that an external course must start and end in order for it to be accepted. 

Allow Enrollments in the Future

This setting is only applicable when the Enable External Course Submission setting is checked. 

If checked, learners will be able to submit an external course that occurs in the future. If unchecked, learners will only be able to submit external courses that have a start and end date on or before the current date. 

Enable Fixed Increment

This setting is only applicable when the Enable Point Tracker settingis checked. 

If checked, learners will earn points based on the course's duration (i.e., number of minutes). Expand the Fixed Increment Table accordion for details. 

If unchecked, learners will enter the points they earned when they submit the course. 

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