Enrollment Report: Viewing Online Course Task List
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Enrollment Report: Viewing Online Course Task List

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Article summary

The online course task list displays the chapters and tasks in an online course. When viewed from the Enrollment Report, it enables you to see if the learner completed the task. If so, you can view the date the learner started the task, how much time they spent on it, and if it's a quiz, their quiz grade. 

Viewing the Online Course Task List

To view a learner's progress in an online course, click the percentage shown in the Progress % column

This displays the Course Task List - Enrollment Report page for the selected learner's course. The following information displays for each task in an online course:

  • Task's name
  • If the task is a quiz, the learner's grade
  • Date the learner started the task
  • Checkmark to indicate whether the learner completed the task
  • Amount of time the learner spent on the task

The image below shows the location of the learner's name, course name, chapter name, tasks in a chapter, and the arrow for expanding a chapter.

Viewing Quiz Attempt  Details

Who can view the quiz attempt details will depend on the quiz's Minimum Permission Level Required to View Quiz Results Report setting and your permissions or access role.

To view the details of a learner's quiz attempt, click the grade displayed. 

The quiz results and feedback provided to the learner displays.

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