Running the Training Cost Report
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Running the Training Cost Report

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable training cost tracking for your account.

To run the Training Cost Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Training Cost.

A new tab displays the Training Cost Report workscreen.

  1. Specify filters for the report.
  2. Click Run Report.
If you change the user's wage, external cost, course duration, or an action's trainer hours, trainer cost, or extra cost, the training cost will be recalculated and may take a few minutes to display on the report.

After running the report, you can group or sort the output.


Enrollment Group

Includes enrollments for enrollment groups with the selected status or name(s)

If a user is removed from a group after they are enrolled in a course in that group, the user will only be included in the results if the user's enrollment group is included, or if the filter includes active groups.

Home Group

Includes enrollments for users whose home group has the selected status or name(s).


Includes enrollments for users with the selected status or name(s)


Includes enrollments for courses with the selected status or name(s)

Course Type

Includes enrollments for courses of the selected type.

Action (Global)

Includes enrollments that are associated with a global action of the selected status or name(s).

Action (Private)

Includes enrollments that are associated with a private action of the selected status or name(s).

Learning Plan

Includes enrollments that are associated with a learning plan of the selected status or name(s).


Includes enrollments for users assigned to an organization with the selected status or name(s).


Includes enrollments for users who belong to a team with the selected status or name(s). 


Includes enrollments for users with the selected supervisor status or name(s).

Enrolled Date

Includes enrollments that occurred within the specified date range.

Session Date

Includes enrollments for courses with a session date in the specified range.

Completed Date

Includes course enrollments with a completed date and actions with an accepted date in the specified range. 

Default Training Cost Report Columns

The following columns are included by default in the Training Cost Report's results and export:

  • Home group
  • Learner name
  • Hourly wage (learner)
  • Training hours (learner)
  • Learner cost
  • Trainer name
  • Hourly wage (trainer)
  • Training hours (trainer)
  • Trainer cost
  • Extra cost (description)
  • Extra cost (amount)
  • Total training cost
  • Training type
  • Course/action
  • Session date
  • Completed date
  • Grade

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