Home Group Reporting
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Home Group Reporting

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Article summary

The Group Manager (GM) and View Learner Results (VLR) group permissions allow a user to report on enrollments that occurred in the group where they have the permission. When home group reporting is disabled, they’ll only be able to view the enrollments that occurred in the group where they have the reporting permission. (This assumes that the user does not have other account permissions, group permissions, or access roles.) 

For example, suppose we have the following users. 

  • Neal has VLR permission for the Manufacturing group which is also his home group
  • Lou’s home group is also the Manufacturing group, but he also belongs to the Human Resources and Retail groups. 
  • Dana’s home group is the Retail group, but she also belongs to the Human Resources and Manufacturing groups.

Example Users and Groups 20230109

When Home Group Reporting is disabled, Neal will only be able to see enrollments that occurred in the Manufacturing group (i.e., the group where he has the VLR permission). Based on the course enrollments in the example below, Neal will be able to view Lou and Dana’s enrollments in the Workplace Safety course. 

The account’s Home Group Reporting setting expands what a user with reporting permission can view without having to grant the user additional permissions. It lets the user view all course enrollments for learners whose home group is the one where they have reporting permission, regardless of the group that the enrollment occurred. 

If we enable home group reporting in our example, Neal will still be able to view course enrollments that occurred in the Manufacturing group. He’ll also be able to view all enrollments for users whose home group is Manufacturing. This means that Neal will be able to view all of Lou’s enrollments since Lou’s home group is Manufacturing. In the example below, Neal will also see Lou’s enrollment in the Accounting and Customer Service courses, even though those enrollments occurred in a group where Neal does not have reporting permission. 

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