Home Groups
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Home Groups

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Article summary

Every user in SmarterU can be assigned to multiple groups. However, each user must be assigned one – and only one – home group. You can think of a home group as the user’s main group. Home groups affect various aspects of what learners and users can see, edit, and do in SmarterU. 

For example, a learner’s home group can be used to control what they see in the learner interface. Dashboard sets can be assigned to a group; learners who have that group as their home group will see that dashboard set. Dashboard sets can also be set up to show group-specific branding and customization

Home groups also control who is able to view and edit a user’s information, including their profile and enrollments. Users with the Group Manager (GM) or View Learner Results (VLR) permission on a learner’s home group will be able to report on all of the learner’s enrollments when the account’s home group reporting setting is enabled. 

Home groups also control who can edit a user’s information. Users with the Group Manager (GM) or Manage Group Users (MGU) permission on a user’s home group will be able to edit the user’s information.

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