Tracking Supervisees’ Learning Plan Progress
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Tracking Supervisees’ Learning Plan Progress

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Article summary

Each certification that’s assigned to a learner is associated with a learning plan and includes one or more courses and/or actions. 

When a learner completes the certification’s courses and actions, the certification is considered complete and will have a Met status in SmarterU. If a learner has not completed the certification’s courses or actions, the certification will have status of Not Met.

Example LP and Certification 20221111

As a supervisor, there are certain reports and workscreens in SmarterU that will help you track your learners’ progress in their assigned learning plans, certifications, courses, and actions. 

In order for supervisors to run the reports mentioned below, the account's Supervisor Access setting must have its Report on Supervisees option enabled. Unless you have other permissions, SmarterU’s reports and workscreens will only show information for your supervisees. 

Viewing a Learner’s Certification Progress

SmarterU’s Default Learning Plan Report shows your learners’ progress toward completing their assigned learning plans. 

The report’s Status column displays whether the learner has completed the learning plan. If they have completed the learning plan, the learning plan will have a Met status and the Met Date column will show the date.

Default Learning Plan Report - Status and Met Date Columns 20221111

When you run the Default Learning Plan Report, it includes all of your learners. If you only want to include learners who have completed their assigned learning plan, you can select the Met status filter in the Filters accordion. If you only want to include learners who completed the learning plan within a specific date range, you can also apply a date filter.

Default Learning Plan Report - Filter Met 20221026

The Default Certification Report is another report that you can use to track your learners’ progress. 

When a learner completes a certification, the Default Certification Report’s Status column displays Met and the Progress column displays 100%. You can download their certification completion certificate by clicking the Trophy 20221017 beside their name.

Downloading Certification Certificate 20221017

You might also find it helpful to view the specific courses and actions that a learner has been assigned as part of a certification. This information is available in the Certification Summary Report that you can download by clicking the Download Report 20221017 beside the learner’s name.

Downloading Certification Summary Report 20221017The Certification Summary Report report displays a count of the learner’s certifications, courses, and actions by status. The specific certifications, actions, and courses assigned to the learner are listed.

User Certification Summary 20221017

The Certifications Dashboard displays a count of actions and certifications by status.

Although the Certification Summary Report shows whether the learner has completed a course, it doesn’t show the details of the learner’s progress in their enrolled courses. To view those details, you can use SmarterU’s Enrollment Report

If you want to determine whether a learner has taken steps to complete their assigned actions, you can use SmarterU’s Action Approval workscreen.

Viewing a Learner’s Course Progress

SmarterU’s Enrollment Report shows the courses that a learner is enrolled in. The Default Enrollment Report allows you to apply a number of filters so that you can control the scope of what’s returned. For example, you can apply filters to show the course enrollments for a specific learner, or show the learners enrolled in a specific course. 

Default Enrollment Report - Output Grid 20221017

You can click the percentage in the Progress column to view how much of the course the learner has completed

The Default Enrollment Report displays its output in a grid. If you’d like to include columns not displayed by default, or display the output in a chart, you can create a custom Enrollment Report.  

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