Troubleshooting User Accounts
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Troubleshooting User Accounts

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Article summary

Can't Edit User Profile

Error or Behavior 

The Edit button is unavailable when you view a user's details.


If you're unable to edit a user's profile, it may be because: 

  • You do not have the appropriate permission levels (i.e., Group Manager or Manage Users, Admin, or Owner).
  • You're an administrator, and the user you are attempting to edit is also an administrator or owner. Users with the same permission level cannot edit each other.

If your account has profile linking enable, 


Ask the user edit their own profile, or request that someone with the required permissions edit the user's profile.

If you have the required permissions and are still unable to edit the user's Primary Email, Password, Given Name, or Surname settings, it may be because the user belongs to multiple accounts. Refer to the Can't Edit User's Email Address, Password, or Name section.

Can't Edit User's Email Address, Password, or Name

Error or Behavior

The Primary Email, Password, Given Name, or Surname settings are disabled and cannot edited. You may also see the following message when you hover over the user's Primary Email, Password, Given Name, or Surname settings: 

This user exists in more than one account and you do not have the required permissions to edit this data.


The user belongs to multiple accounts. These accounts may include the SmarterU Academy.


Only administrators whose Access Level setting is set to Admin for all of the same accounts as the user will be able to edit the user's email address, password, and name. Because there is no way to tell from the interface what accounts a user has access to, we recommend contacting our Success Desk for assistance. 

Primary Email Address Must Be Unique

Error or Behavior

The primary email address must be unique.


The email address is used by a user profile in another account. 


If you have permission to add users to the account, you'll be able to add the user using the email address as long as the email address is not already used by a different user in the account. After the user is created, only administrators who have access to every account where the email address is used will be able to edit the user's name, email address, and password. Editing the user profile in one account will update the user profiles in the other accounts. 

If you're NOT an administrator in the other accounts where the email address is used, you'll be able to add the user profile using the email address. However, you won't be able to edit the user's name, email address, or password after the user is created. If the user needs to change their password, they can click the Reset Password link. To change the user's name, email address, or password the user can edit their user profile, or you can contact the Success Desk

User Already Exists

Error or Behavior

User already exists in this account. 


You are attempting to add a user with a primary email address or employee ID that's already used by an existing user in the account. 


Enter a different primary email address or employee ID for the user. 

Microsoft Entra ID: Security Warning

Error or Behavior

The user gets a security warning and a site error when they try to log in using Microsoft Entra ID. The error message is typically:

Identity Attribute was not found.


The "Identity Attribute was not found" error indicates that there isn't a user in SmarterU with an identifier (i.e., email address or employee ID) that matches what's being sent over by Microsoft Entra ID. 

This issue can also happen if you've used a temporary user account during testing because you didn't want to use a licensed email address and created a user without an email address. In this situation, Microsoft Entra ID still sends an email value to SmarterU for the user, but it isn't sent as the correct attribute. 


  1. Identify the attribute that you've selected as your identifer in account settings. You can do this by logging into SmarterU and viewing your account's Identifier Attribute/Claim setting.
  2. In the SAML response, locate the attribute to determine if it's populated in the XML. If the attribute isn't populated, the user does not have the required attribute to log into SmarterU. 
  3. Edit the user's profile and add a value to their Primary Email or Employee ID setting.  

Microsoft Entra ID: SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse Must Be Present 

Error or Behavior

The user gets an error indicating that the SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse must be present as query string parameters. For example:


The user is most likely using the Login URL from Microsoft Entra ID as the Login URL value in SmarterU.


Use the User Access URL on Microsoft Entra ID instead of the Login URL. This can be found on the Properties page for the SmarterU app in Microsoft Entra ID. 

Error or Behavior

The user gets an error that the link isn't working. For example:

This link to SmarterU is invalid.


The user hasn't been given access to the SmarterU app in Microsoft Entra ID. 


Create the user in Microsoft Entra ID and assign the SmarterU app to them.

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