Learner Interface: Online Course Buttons and Links
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Learner Interface: Online Course Buttons and Links

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Article summary

Certain buttons and links in the learner interface are specific to online courses and their tasks.

The buttons and links in online courses are listed below in alphabetical order.

Ícone  Descrição gerada automaticamenteDownload Audio File

The Ícone  Descrição gerada automaticamente icon displays on content slides and quiz questions that contain audio. Click the icon to download the audio file, or use the audio controls to play the audio.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

 View Narration Text

The icon displays on content slides that contain narration. Click the icon to display the narration text, or use the audio controls to play the narration.

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Uma imagem contendo desenho  Descrição gerada automaticamenteFlip Card

The Uma imagem contendo desenho  Descrição gerada automaticamente icon displays at the bottom of a flashcard card's question. This is the default button used for flashcards, but may be changed. For example, the flashcard shown below is customized to display a different flip button.

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Click the button to flip the card and display the card's question or answer.

Answered Question(s)

The Answered Question(s) link displays on the Quiz Summary page.

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Click the Answered Question(s) link or the  beside the link to view the questions that you have answered.


The Attempt(s) link displays after you complete a quiz and when both of the following are true:

Click the Attempt(s) link or the  beside the link to view your quiz attempts.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Back to Quiz

The Back to Quiz button displays when you have answered all questions in a quiz and have not yet submitted the quiz for grading. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Complete Course

The Complete Course button displays when you reach the last task in an online course. Click Complete Course to finish the course.

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The Exit button exits the online course.


The Finish button displays on the Quiz Summary page for a quiz and on the last question in a flashcards activity.

For a quiz, click Finish to submit your quiz for grading.

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For a flashcard task, click Finish to complete the flashcard task.

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Flagged Question(s)

The Flagged Question(s) link displays on the Quiz Summary page.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Click the Flagged Question(s) link or the beside the link to view the questions you have flagged


The Next button displays above and below each task in an online course, as well as on each quiz question. Click Next to display the next task or quiz question in a course.

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For a quiz in an online course, clicking Next displays the next question in the quiz.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

In a quiz, you can also click the arrow beside the Next button to display the next flagged or next unanswered question.

Next Flagged

The Next Flagged option is available when you have flagged a quiz question.

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Click Next Flagged to display the next question in the quiz that you have flagged.

Next Unanswered

The Next Unanswered option is available when you have not answered all of the quiz's questions.

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Click Next Unanswered to display the next unanswered question in the quiz.


Click Notes to display the learner notes where you can enter any notes you might want to take for the task.

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Quiz Question Index

Click the Quiz Question Index link to display the Quiz Index.

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The Prev button displays above and below each task in an online course.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Click Prev to display the previous task in a course.


The Retry button displays when you've viewed all questions and answers in a flashcard activity.

Interface gráfica do usuário  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Click Retry to attempt the flashcard task again.

Return to Dashboard

The Return to Dashboard button displays when you attempt to take a quiz outside of its availability window.

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Review Correctly Answered Question(s)

The Review Correctly Answered Question(s) link displays under the Attempts section of the Quiz Completion page if all of the following are true:

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

To view the questions that you answered correctly, either click the Review Correctly Answered Questions link or the  beside the link.

Review Incorrectly Answered Question(s)

The Review Incorrectly Answered Question(s) link displays under the Attempts section of the Quiz Completion page if all of the following are true:

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To view the questions that you answered correctly, either click the Review Incorrectly Answered Questions link or the  beside the link.

Review Ungraded Question(s)

The Review Ungraded Question(s) link displays on the Quiz Completion page if a quiz contains a long answer question that is still waiting to be graded. 

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Save Answer

The Save Answer button displays at the bottom of a long answer quiz question

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Click Save Answer when you need to save your response to the long answer question, but aren't ready to submit the question for grading.

Send Feedback

The Send Feedback button displays at the bottom of a task if your user profile's Allow Feedback setting is checked.

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Refer to Learner Interface: Providing Task Feedback for details on providing feedback about an online course's task. 


The Submit button displays for fill-in-the-blank and multichoice, and for quizzes that are configured to show feedback after each question. Click Submit to check your answer for the question.

Submit & Review

The Submit & Review button displays when you have reached the last question in a quiz. Click Submit & Review to submit your quiz for grading.

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Unanswered Question(s)

The Unanswered Question(s) link displays on the Quiz Summary page.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Click the Unanswered Question(s) link or the  beside the link to view the questions that you have not answered.

Validate Code

The Validate Code button displays when you attempt to take a quiz that is proctored.

Interface gráfica do usuário  Descrição gerada automaticamente

You will need to contact your proctor who can enter the code for the quiz.

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