Understanding AND vs. OR Filter
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Understanding AND vs. OR Filter

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Article summary

Many of the grids in SmarterU allow you to search the columns to find specific values. By providing a filter, you can limit the contents of the grid to only those rows that meet your criteria. 

Oftentimes, you can provide two search filters for a column. If you provide two search filters for a column, you'll need to specify how you want the two filters to be evaluated: AND vs OR. 

  • AND returns only those rows that meet both of the filters. For example, if you have filter A and filter B, using AND would return rows that meet both filter A and filter B.
  • OR returns rows that meet either of the filters. For example, if you have filter A and filter B, using OR would return rows that either meet filter A, meet filter B, or meet filter A and filter B. 

Diagram - And vs Or 20220616

For example, suppose we apply two filters to the Course Builder Dashboard's Task column:

  • Contains "exchange"
  • Contains "policy"

 If we use AND to evaluate the two filters, only tasks that have both "exchange" and "policy" in their name are included.

However, if we use OR to evaluate the two filters, users that have either "exchange" or "policy" in their name are included.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

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