Copying a Session
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Copying a Session

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Who Has Access

The following users can copy a session: 

Copying a Session

Copying an instructor-led session copies all information about the session. This is useful when you're creating multiple sessions that only differ slightly.

To copy an instructor-led session:

  1. From Admin menu, select Course Admin.
  2. Select Courses. The Courses Dashboard displays.
  3. View the session you would like to copy.
  4. Click Save & Copy. If you are copying a finalized session, click Copy.

Save and Copy Button

The tab displays Cloned ILT Session.

Cloned ILT Session

  1. Edit the session information as needed. At a minimum you should update the session date and time in the Session Details section. Information about the settings in the accordions can be found on the following pages:
  1. Click Save.

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