Course: Tags
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Course: Tags

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Article summary

The tags and values associated with a course are managed in the Tags accordion of the Course Information workscreen. 


Associating Tags with a Course

To associate a course with tags:

  1. From the Course Information workscreen, expand the Tags accordion. 
  2. From the Available Tags list, click the Icon  Description automatically generated beside the tags you want to associate with the course.

Selecting Tags

  1. Click the Icon  Description automatically generated beside the Available Tags list.

Adding Tags

A new field is added for each selected tag.

Tag Fields

  1. Assign values to the tags.
When you associate a tag with a course from the Course Information workscreen, you must assign at least one value to the tag.
  1. Click Save.

Assigning Values to Course Tags

To assign values to a course's tags:

  1. From the Course Information workscreen, expand the Tags accordion. 
  2. Click in the tag's field. A list of the tag's pre-defined values displays.
  3. From the list, select the values you want to assign.

If the tag allows users to add values, the list will also include other values that were previously specified for the tag. You can enter a new value and press ENTER after each value, or enter all the values (separated by a comma) then press ENTER. 

Selecting Values

  1. Click Save.

Removing Tags or Values from a Course

To remove a tag and all its values from a course:

  1. From the Course Information workscreen, expand the Tags accordion. 
  2. Click the Icon  Description automatically generated beside the tags you want to remove from the course.
  3. Click Save.

To remove a tag's value from the course, click the X beside the value.

At least one value must be assigned to a course's tag. If you want to remove all values, you should also remove the tag from the course.

Removing Tags

The following error message displays if you attempt to remove a tag or value from a course, but the course is the last one displayed on a dashboard set page that filters on the tag value:

The following tag value(s): <TagValue>

Are being used as filtered tags in the following Learner Dashboard page(s): <DashboardSetName> - <Page Name>

These values cannot be removed until the tags are removed from the Learner Dashboard page.

We recommend removing the tag filter from the dashboard set's page before removing the tag and value from the course.  

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