ILT Attendance: Generating Course Certificates
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ILT Attendance: Generating Course Certificates

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can generate course certificates:

Generating Course Certificates

You can generate course certificates for learners enrolled in a session. 

If you generate the course certificates before the session is finalized, certificates are generated for all learners in the session even if their attendance and completion status have not been recorded

If you generate the course certificates after the session is finalized, certificates are generated for learners who have completed and passed the session. 

To generate course certificates for learners enrolled in the session:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Course Admin.
  2. Select ILT Attendance. The ILT Attendance Dashboard displays. 
  3. Select the session. The session's information displays in the right pane.
  4. Enter the email address(es) to which the .zip file containing the course certificates should be sent in the field beside the Generate button.
  5. Click Generate

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

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