WYSIWYG Editor: Adding a Video to Content
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WYSIWYG Editor: Adding a Video to Content

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Article summary

You can use the WYSIWYG editor to include videos in your content. For example, you can include a video in a knowledge base article's content. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Site  Descrição gerada automaticamente

The WYSIWYG editor provides two ways to add videos to your content: by uploading the video, or by embedding the code to an existing video

If you have the video file, you should follow the steps for uploading the video to your content. If the video exists on another website such as YouTube, you should follow the steps for embedding the video

Uploading a Video

Refer to SmarterU File Uploads for video file specifications.

To add a video to your content:

  1. Position your cursor in the content where you would like to add the video.
  2. Click Logotipo  Descrição gerada automaticamente com confiança média on the WYSIWYG toolbar to insert a video. The Insert/Edit Video window displays.

  1. Beside the Source field, click Uma imagem contendo Interface gráfica do usuário  Descrição gerada automaticamente. The File Manager window displays.
  2. Use the File Manager to upload the video file
  3. After uploading the video file, select the file from the File Manager. The selected file displays in the Source field of the Insert/Edit Video window.
  4. Click OK. The Insert/Edit Video window closes.
  5. Click Save.

Embedding a Video 

To embed a video in your content:

  1. Copy the embed code for the video. Refer to Embedding a YouTube Video for details on copying the embed code from YouTube.
  2. Position your cursor in the content where you would like to add the video.
  3. From the WYSIWYG toolbar, click Logotipo  Descrição gerada automaticamente com confiança média. The Insert/Edit Video window displays.
  4. Select the Embed tab.
  5. Paste the YouTube video's embed code.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Be sure that the embed code uses "https" and not just "http" to ensure that the video works from both a secure and non-secure portal. If you use "http", the video will not work from a secure portal.
  1. Click OK. The Insert/Edit Video window closes.
  2. Click Save.

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