Custom Learning Plan Report: Filters
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Custom Learning Plan Report: Filters

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Article summary

Filters enable you to specify the criteria that must be met for a learning plan, certification, requirement, action, or course to be included in the custom Learning Plan Report.

Filters are specified in the Filters section of the Add/Edit Learning Plan Report workscreen.


If you have multiple filters for a column, the filters will be evaluated using the OR condition. In the example below, the report will include those records that have an expiration date between 01-Jan-2020 and 31-Dec-2020 OR records that have a expiration date between 01-Mar-2021 and 31-Mar-2021.

Adding a Filter

To add a filter to the custom Learning Plan Report:

  1. Expand the Filters section of the Add/Edit Learning Plan Report workscreen.
  2. From the Add Filter list, select the column to which you would like to apply a constraint. The available filter columns will depend on the Level that you have selected for the report. The filters are organized by:
If your report is a detailed list for the Action and Course level, you will need to specify a filter on at least one of the following to run the report:
  • Action
  • Course
  • Enrollment group
  • Learner

If your report returns more than 10,000 rows, the grid includes the first 10,000 rows. To view all of the report’s results, you will need to export the report

If your report returns more than 10,000 rows and includes a chart, the chart will reflect all of the report’s results.

  1. Click . Additional fields for specifying the constraint values displays. Note that the additional fields displayed will vary based on the column that you selected in step 1.  
  2. In the additional fields, specify the value that the filter column must meet.
  3. If you would like to allow users who run the report to change the value, select the Allow Edit checkbox

Allow Edit

When the Allow Edit checkbox is selected, users who run the report are able to change the value. For example, you may create the report with a Met Date filter between 01-Jan-2016 and 31-Mar-2016. Selecting the Allow Edit checkbox allows users who run to report to change the date range for the Met Date filter's dates. For example, a user may want to run the report for the entire year (01-Jan-2016 and 31-Dec-2016).

Certification Filters

The certification filters are only available if your custom Learning Plan Report's Level is Certification.


Includes certifications associated with the selected license agency name.


Includes certifications associated with the selected license area/region.

License Type

Includes certifications associated with the selected license type.


Includes certifications with the selected status and/or name.

Certification User Filters

The certification user filters are only available if your custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Certification.

Expiry Date

Includes users who are assigned a certification with an expiration date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

First Met Date

Includes users who first met the certification within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Met Date

Includes users who met the certification within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Met By Default

Includes users with the selected Met by Default status. 


Includes users whose progress toward a certification is within the specified range. 


Includes users with the selected certification status.

Warning Date

Includes users whose certification warning date is within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Learning Plan Filters

The learning plan filters are only available if your custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Learning Plan.


Includes learning plans with the selected status and/or name.

Learning Plan User Filters

The learning plan user filters are only available if your custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Learning Plan.

Expiry Date

Includes users who are assigned a learning plan with an expiration date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Met By Default

Includes users with the selected Met by Default status.

Met Date

Includes users who are assigned a learning plan with a met date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Original Assigned Date

Includes users who were first assigned a learning plan within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.


Includes users whose progress toward a learning plan is within the specified range. 


Includes users with the selected learning plan status. 

Warning Date

Includes users whose learning plan warning date is within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Enrollment Group Filters

The enrollment group filters are only available if the custom Learning Plan Report's Type setting is Detailed List.


Includes enrollment groups with the selected status and/or name


Includes enrollment groups with the selected tag values

To include a specific tag value, select the value from the list. To include every value for a tag, either select the tag name from the list, or type the tag name and press ENTER.

User Filters

The user filters are only available if the custom Learning Plan Report's Type setting is Detailed List.

Access Level

Includes users with the selected access level (i.e., All, Admin, Owner, or User).

Allow Feedback

Includes users who have the selected Allow Feedback setting (i.e., All, Yes, No). 

Custom User Fields

You may apply a filter to any custom user fields defined in your account. Custom user fields will be listed alphabetically with other user filters.


Includes users in the selected divisions. To display a list of divisions, click in the field. 

Email Address

Includes users whose primary email address contains the specified characters. Note, if the user's emails are sent to their supervisor or an alternate email address, those email addresses are not included in the filter.

Employee ID

Includes users whose employee id contains the specified characters.

Home Group

Includes users in a home group with the selected status (i.e., Active (default), Inactive, All) and/or group name.


Includes users with the selected language(s).

Last Login Date

Includes users whose last login date is within the specified date range.

Learning Plan

Includes users who are assigned the selected learning plan(s).


Includes users with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.

Postal/Zip Code

Includes users with the specified postal code.


Includes users with a supervisor with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.

Supervisor Email

Includes users who have a supervisor with the specified email address.


Includes users who belong to a team with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes users in the selected timezone.


Includes users with the specified title.

Organization Filters

The organization filters are only available if the custom Learning Plan Report's Type setting is Detailed List.


Includes organizations with the selected status and/or name

Requirement User Filters

The requirement user filters are only available when the custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Requirement.

Expiry Date

Includes users who are assigned a requirement with an expiration date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Met Date

Includes users who are assigned a requirement with a met date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Met By Default

Includes users with the selected Met by Default status. 


Includes users whose progress toward a requirement is within the specified range. 


Includes users with the selected requirement status. 

Warning Date

Includes users whose requirement warning date is within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Action and Course Filters

The action and course filters are only available when the custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Action and Course.

Action (Global)

Includes global actions with the selected status and/or name


Includes courses with the selected status and/or name that are associated with a requirement. 


Includes the selected course types (i.e., All, Online, ILT, SCORM) or action type (i.e., Action (Global)).

Action and Course User Filters

The action and course user filters are only available when the custom Learning Plan Report's Level setting is Action and Course.

Accepted Date

Includes users who are assigned an action that was accepted within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Action Progress Status

Includes users who are assigned an action with the selected status (i.e., All, Pending, Review, Accepted). 

Block Progress Status

Includes users with a requirement block with the selected status (i.e., All, Not Met, Warning, Met).

Course Progress Status

Includes users who are assigned a course with the selected status (i.e., All, Met, Not Met).

Expiry Date

Includes users who are assigned a global action with an expiration date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Warning Date

Includes users who are assigned a global action with a warning date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Removing a Filter

To remove a filter, click the beside the filter. To remove all filters, click Remove All Filters.

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