Editing a Widget's Settings
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Editing a Widget's Settings

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Article summary

We recommend using the Custom Page Builder in Chrome. Be sure to display the browser in full screen mode and set its zoom level to 100%.

To edit a widget's settings from the Custom Page Builder:

  1. From the Custom Page Builder's workscreen, select the widget.
  2. Click the  that's displayed in the widget. The Widget Settings workscreen displays on the right side of the Custom Page Builder.

Edit Widget Settings

  1. Edit the widget's settings as needed. Information about the various accordions can be found on the pages below:
  1. Click the  in the Widget Settings workscreen.
You can also edit the widget's page settings by clicking the in the Widget Settings workscreen.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente
  1. Click Save.

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