Enrolling Users: Selecting Learners
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Enrolling Users: Selecting Learners

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Article summary

In this step of the manual enrollment process you'll select the users you want to enroll in a course or subscription. Users are selected from the Step One - Select Learners accordion of the Manual Enrollment workscreen. 

The groups and users displayed in the grid will depend on whether you're an administrator or owner, your group permissions, and whether your account's Supervisor Access setting's Enroll Supervisees option is checked.

Selecting Users

To select the users you want to enroll in courses or subscriptions:

  1. From the Manual Enrollment workscreen, ensure the Step One - Select Learners accordion is expanded.
  2. From the Enroll By options, select Specific Group or Home Group.
If Home Group is your only option, it's because you don't have any group or account permissions, but are allowed to enroll users because your account's Supervisor Access setting's Enroll Supervisees option is checked. A supervisor will only be able to enroll a supervisee into a course via the supervisee's home group. In order to process the enrollment, the course must be assigned to the supervisee's home group.
  1. Depending on the Enroll By option you selected, do one of the following:

Enroll By Specific Group

Select the group from the Enrollment Group list.

The groups included in the list will depend on your user access role(s).

The grid displays the users who are assigned to the selected group. 

You may only select users from one group. Selecting a different group will remove any previously selected users.

Enroll By Home Group

The Home Group Enroll By option enrolls the selected users through their home group. If no additional filters are applied, the grid includes all account users that you have permission to enroll.

If you would like to limit the users in the grid to those who belong to certain home groups, you can apply a filter by doing the following:

  1. Select the group(s) from the Filter by Home Group list.
  2. Click Apply Filter.

The list of courses and subscriptions in the Step Two - Select Courses/Subscriptions accordion will include courses that are assigned to any of the selected groups. 

It's possible that an enrollment will fail because the user and course/subscription are not all assigned to the same home group.
  1. To apply additional filters to the grid of users: 
    1. From the Add Filter list, select the learner column to which you would like to apply a constraint
    2. Click . Additional fields for specifying the constraint values displays. Note that the additional fields displayed will vary based on the column that you selected in step 1.  
    3. In the additional fields, specify the value that the filter column must meet.
    4. Repeat steps a-c for each column you would like to filter.
    5. Click Apply Filters.
  2. From the grid, click the beside the users you would like to enroll. You may click Select All to select all users in the grid. 

You may view the selected users by clicking the Selected tab.

  1. Click Confirm Selected Learners.

NEXT STEP: Select the courses or subscriptions

Specific Group vs. Home Group

There are two options for how you enroll users in courses or subscriptions: by enrollment groups, or by home groups.

Enrolling users by enrollment group allows you to enroll a user in courses assigned to any of the user's groups. Enrolling users by home group requires the course to be assigned to the user's home group. 

For example, suppose Tim is assigned to the Human Resources, Manufacturing, and Retail groups and his home group is Manufacturing. The courses assigned to each group are shown below.

If you enroll users by enrollment group and select Human Resources, you can enroll any user who belongs to the Human Resources group in any of the group's courses. Because Tim belongs to the Human Resources group, he'd be included in the grid of users and you'd be able to enroll him in the Accounting, Employee Onboarding, and Workplace Safety courses.

However, if you enroll users by home group and select Human Resources, only users who have Human Resources as their home group will be available for the enrollment process. Because Tim's home group is Manufacturing, he would not be included in the grid of users. 

Learner Filters

Some filters enable you to filter the list of available values based on their status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All). To apply a status filter, click the , then select the status. For example, filtering the Team list using the Active status displays active teams in the list.

After applying a status filter, you can select specific values from the list by clicking the  beside the value.


Includes users in the selected divisions. To display a list of divisions, click in the field. 

Employee ID

Includes users whose employee id contains the specified characters.

Enrollment Tag

Includes users who have other enrollments with the selected enrollment tag(s)

Given Name

Include users with the specified given name.


Includes users in a group with the selected status and/or group name. The selected group determines which courses and subscriptions display.

Home Group

Includes users in a home group with the selected status (i.e., Active (default), Inactive, All) and/or group name. 


Includes users in an organization with the selected status (i.e., Active (default), Inactive, All) and/or organization name. 


Includes users who have an active enrollment in the selected subscription.

Subscription Variant

Includes users who have an active enrollment in the selected subscription variant.


Includes users with a supervisor with the selected status or name.


Includes users with the specified surname.


Includes users who belong to a team with the selected status or name. 


Includes users with the specified title.

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