Learner Interface: Course Buttons and Labels
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Learner Interface: Course Buttons and Labels

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Article summary

Whether you're working with the tile view, list view, or details page, each course will display buttons and labels. These buttons and labels not only provide information about the course, but also enable you to perform various actions.

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The buttons and labels that you might see on the course pages are described below. 


This is only applicable to instructor-led courses. This button displays for instructor-led courses in which you are enrolled but have not yet specified whether you'll attend.

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Expand the list to specify whether you'll attend the course session. 

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The image beside the Attending label will change from a question mark to a checkmark if you indicate that you will be attending the session.


This button only displays if all of the following are true:

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The cost of the course displays on the button. Refer to Buying Courses for details.


This is applicable to online or SCORM courses.

This button displays for courses in which you are enrolled and are in the progress of completing.

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Click Continue to access the course. Depending on how your dashboard set is configured, clicking the button will either display your current task/position in the course, or the course details page.

Continue to Evaluation

This button only displays if the course has an internal post-course evaluation

Continue to Evaluation Button 20221026

Click Continue to Evaluation to respond to and submit the post-course evaluation. 


This button only displays if you are not yet enrolled in the course, and your administrator has configured the dashboard set's page to include courses that allow for self-enrollment (i.e., the Include Course States setting's Catalog checkbox is checked).

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The behavior of the Enroll button will vary depending on how your page is configured and whether you are enrolling in an online, SCORM, or instructor-led course. Refer to Enrolling in Courses for more details.


This is applicable to online and SCORM courses.

This button displays when either of the following are true:

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This is only applicable to instructor-led course sessions that have their Webinar Provider setting set to GoToMeeting, GoToTraining, GoToWebinar, or WebEx. The Join button displays when you view the course details page for a webinar in which you have been enrolled or self-enrolled.

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Click the Join button to join the webinar.

The Join button is only available if you've completed all of the course's prerequisites. 

No Access

 This is only applicable to SCORM courses. This displays when you are using an incompatible browser and the account's Launching SCORM Courses on Non-Supported Browsers setting is set to Prevent Access

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No Sessions

This is only applicable to instructor-led courses. This displays when you are not enrolled in the course and any of the following are true:

  • There are no available seats in upcoming sessions of the course and the course waiting list is not enabled.
  • No upcoming sessions of the course have their waiting list enabled.
  • No sessions are available to you due to venue settings, or session visibility restrictions. 

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No Tasks

This is only applicable to online courses. This displays when an online course has no course content.

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Not Available

This is applicable to online and SCORM courses and may indicate one of the following:

  • The course is available through a subscription that has not started or has expired.
  • The course due date for a course you are enrolled in has passed and the course's Overdue Grace Period setting is set to Unavailable, or is set to Limited and has ended. 

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This is applicable to instructor-led courses. Click to display the course details page


This displays if the course requires you to complete one or more courses or actions prior to starting the course. The number indicates the number of incomplete prerequisites you have for the course.

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Click the Prerequisites button or the course name to display the course details and the prerequisites. 


This is applicable to online and SCORM courses. This displays if all of the following are true:

  • You have previously completed the course
  • The course's re-enroll setting is enabled
  • Your administrator has configured the dashboard set's page to include courses that allow for self-enrollment (i.e., the Include Course States setting's Catalog checkbox is checked)

Click Re-Enroll to re-enroll in the course. 

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This is applicable to external, online, and SCORM courses.

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For external courses, clicking Review displays the course details page.

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For online and SCORM courses, the Review button displays for courses that you have completed when the course's Course Access After Completion setting is set to Available. The behavior of the Review button will vary depending on your dashboard set's Launch Action setting. Clicking Review will do one of the following:


This is applicable to online and SCORM courses. 

This button displays for courses in which you are enrolled, but have yet to start.

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Click Start to begin the course. Depending on how your dashboard set is configured, clicking the button will either display your current task/position in the course, or the course details page. 

If the Start button displays, but cannot be clicked, it may be because you've been unenrolled from the course. You can confirm this by hovering over the button. If the following message displays, you're in the process of being unenrolled:

This course has been scheduled for unenrollment and cannot be accessed.

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