Viewing Unenrollments
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Viewing Unenrollments

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can view the Unenrollments workscreen:

Viewing Unenrollments

To view the unenrollments:

  1. From the Admin menu, select User Admin.
  2. Select Enrollments.
  3. Click Unenrollments

Unenrollments Button

A new tab displays the Unenrollments workscreen. By default, the Unenrollments workscreen displays a grid with the pending unenrollments. This includes unenrollments from the learner interface, Enrollment Report, Users Dashboard, and the unenrollLearningModules API method


Administrators who access the Unenrollments workscreen can pause the queue, remove an unenrollment, then restart the queue

Columns in the Unenrollments Grid



Requested Date

The date and time the unenrollment was initiated. 


Indicates the status of the unenrollment process:


The learner's name.


The course's name.


This column only applies to instructor-led courses. If the course is instructor-led, this column displays the session in which the learner is enrolled.

If the course is a multi-part session, each part of the session displays in its own row.

Enrolled Origin

The group through which the enrollment occurred. 

Enrolled Date

The date the learner was enrolled in the course. 


This column only applies to online or SCORM courses. The column indicates what percentage of the course the learner has completed.

  • If the user has not yet started the course, the Progress column displays Not Started.
  • For SCORM courses, this column will show 0% or 100% since there are no tasks in SCORM courses.
  • If a quiz in an online course is waiting to be graded, the Progress % column displays Waiting for Grading instead of the actual percentage. 


The reason an unenrollment cannot be processed. 

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