API: updateUser
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API: updateUser

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Article summary

  • Starting June 1, 2022, SmarterU will require all API calls to POST to HTTPS. Any POST to HTTP will result in the SU:01 error (i.e., No POST data detected.).
  • If you are viewing the help in a language other than English, please change your language to English before copying and pasting any code. All API attributes and functions are in English.
  • Tags are required unless specified.


The updateUser method edits a user. 

  • If the user being updated exists over multiple SmarterU accounts, Given Name, Surname, Email, Password cannot be modified by default. If you need to edit users who are in multiple accounts, please contact our Success Desk.
  • Administrators and owners cannot be updated through the API.

Who Has Access

The following users have access to the createUser method:

API Call XML Package

               - OR -



                     - OR -
                  - OR -


The Identifier tag within the User tag group contains the information for the user you want to update. The following tags are required even if they don't contain any tags:
  • Info
  • Profile
  • Groups

User Tag Group

The User tag group is a container for the user's details. 

         - OR -



               - OR -
            - OR -



The User tag may contain the following. 

The Identifier tag contains the information for the user you want to update. The remaining tags in the Users tag group specify the updates to the user. 


The identifier of the user you want to update. This tag contains the following.

EmailThe user's email address. This tag is mutually exclusive with the EmployeeID tag. This is the Email returned by the getUser and listUsers methods. 
EmployeeIDThe user's employee ID. This tag is mutually exclusive with the Email tag. This is the EmployedID returned by the getUser and listUsers methods.


A container for the user's login information. Refer to Info Tag Group.

The Info tag is required even if it doesn't contain any tags.


A container for the user's profile information. Refer to Profile Tag Group.

The Profile tag is required even if it doesn't contain any tags.


A container for the user's groups and group permissions. Refer to Groups Tag Group.

The Groups tag is required even if it doesn't contain any tags.


A container for the user's venues. Refer to Venues Tag Group.


A container for the user's wages. Refer to Wages Tag Group.

Info Tag Group

The Info tag group is a container for the user's login information.


The Info tag may contain the following.

Email (optional)

The user's email address.

EmployeeID (optional)

The user's employee ID. This must be a unique value between all users in your SmarterU account.

GivenName (optional)

The user's first name.

Surname (optional)

The user's last name.

Password (optional)

The user's password. The password must comply with the account's password requirements. If no password is provided, a random password will be generated for the user. Regardless of whether a random password is generated or one is provided, the user must change their password the next time they log in (if Single Sign On is not used).

TimeZone (optional)

The user's primary time zone

Acceptable values are the values listed in the Provided Name column on the Time Zones page.

If you update the timezone while the user is logged in, they will need to log out and log back in for the change to take effect.

LearnerNotifications (optional)

Indicates whether the user should receive weekly reminders of their pending or outstanding courses in SmarterU:

  • 1 - The user will receive weekly reminders.
  • 0 - The user will not receive weekly reminders. 

SupervisorNotifications (optional)

Indicates whether the user should receive weekly reports on the status of their supervisees:

  • 1 - The user will receive weekly reports on their supervisees.
  • 0 - The user will not receive weekly reports on their supervisees.

SendEmailTo (optional)

Indicates where the user's emails should be sent:

  • Supervisor -  Emails to the user will be sent to the supervisors' email addresses. If the user has multiple supervisors, emails will be sent to all of the user's supervisors. A supervisor must have a primary email address specified for this option to be allowed. 
  • Self  - Emails to the user are sent to the user's primary email address. An email address must be provided for this option to be allowed.
  • Alternate - Emails to the user will be sent to the email address specified in the AlternateEmail tag. For this option to be allowed, a valid email address must be provided in the AlternateEmail tag.


AuthenticationType (optional)

Indicates how you would like the user to authenticate:

  • SmarterU - The user will log into SmarterU via the SmarterU interface. 
  • External - The user will log into SmarterU via an external system using single-sign on.
  • Both - The user will log into SmarterU via the SmarterU interface or an external system.

Profile Tag Group

A container for the user's profile information. 

The Profile tag group is required even if doesn't contain any tags. 



            - OR -


The Profile tag may contain the following. 

Supervisors (optional)

A container for the user's supervisors


Each supervisor is contained in a Supervisor tag and contains the following. 

SupervisorEmailThe supervisor's email address.
SupervisorActionIndicates whether the supervisor is to be added or removed from the user:
  • Add - Adds the supervisor to the user. 
  • Remove - Removes the supervisor from the user. 

Organization (optional)

The name of the user's organization.

Teams (optional)

A container for the user's teams.


Each team is contained in a Team tag and contains the following. 

TeamNameThe team's name
TeamActionIndicates whether the team is to be added or removed from the user:
  • Add - Adds the team to the user.
  • Remove - Removes the team from the user.

CustomFields (optional)

A container for the account's custom user fields


Each custom field is contained in a CustomField tag and contains the following. 

CustomFieldNameThe custom user field's name.
CustomFieldValueThe value to assign to the custom user field. To specify the values for a hierarchical custom user field, separate each level's value with a greater than symbol (>).

Language (optional)

The language used for the user's account.

Status (optional)

The user's status:

  • Active - The user account may be used to access SmarterU. 
  • Inactive - The user account may not be used to access SmarterU. 

Title (optional)

Division (optional)

AllowFeedback (optional)

Indicates whether the user can provide feedback on online course tasks:

  • 1 - The user can provide feedback on online course tasks. 
  • - The user cannot provide feedback on online course tasks. 
This tag also accepts true or false (must be in lowercase).

PhonePrimary (optional)

PhoneAlternate (optional)

PhoneMobile (optional)

Fax (optional)

Website (optional)

The user's website in its full URL format (eg. https://www.domain.com).

Address1 (optional)

Address 2 (optional)

City (optional)

Province (optional)

Country (optional)

The country of the user's address:

  • Canada
  • United States
  • International

PostalCode (optional)

SendMailTo (optional)

Indicates where the user's physical mail should be sent:

Roles (optional)

A container for the user's learning plans

         - OR -

Each learning plan is contained in a Role tag and contains the following. 

RoleNameThe learning plan's name. This tag is mutually exclusive with the RoleID tag. This is the Name returned by the getRole and listRoles methods. 
RoleIDThe learning plan's user-specified identifier. This tag is mutually exclusive with the RoleName tag. This is the RoleID returned by the getRole and listRoles methods.
RoleActionIndicates whether the learning plan is to be added or removed from the user:
  • Add - Adds the learning plan to the user.
  • Remove - Removes the learning plan from the user.

ReceiveNotifications (optional)

Indicates whether the user will receive email notifications:

  • True - The user will receive email notifications. 
  • False - The user will not receive email notifications.

HomeGroup (optional)

The name of the user's home group.

Groups Tag Group

The Groups tag group is container for the user's groups and group permissions.

  • A user must belong to at least one group, even if they are not assigned any group permissions. 
  • The groups that a user can be added to are linked to the permissions that the calling User API key grants.
         - OR -

Each group is contained in a Group tag and may contain the following.


The group's name. This tag is mutually exclusive with the GroupID tag. This is the Name returned by the getGroup and listGroups methods. 


The gruop's user-specified identifier. This tag is mutually exclusive with the GroupName tag. This is the GroupID returned by the getGroup and listGroups methods.


Indicates whether the group is to be added or removed from the user: 

  • Add - Adds the group to the user, or updates their group permissions if they're already assigned to the group.  
  • Remove - Removes the gruop from the user. 


A container for the user's group permissions. Each permission is contained in a Permission tag and contains the following.

ActionIndicates whether the permission is to be added or removed from user:
  • Grant - Adds the permission to the user.
  • Deny - Removes the permission from the user.
CodeThe permissions code:

In the following example, the user would be assigned to the Legal group and granted the Manage Users and Manage Group Users permissions. The user would also have their Group Manager permission for the Human Resources group revoked.



      <GroupName>Human Resources</GroupName>


If no child tags are added to the GroupPermissions tag, no group permissions will be granted, but the user will be assigned to the group. In the following example, the user would be added to the Legal group, but would have no permissions on the group.


Venues Tag Group

The Venues tag group is a container for the user's venues.


Each venue is contained in a Venue tag and contains the following. 


The venue's name.


Indicates whether the venue is visible to the user by default:

  • 1 - The venue is visible to the user by default. 
  • 0 - The venue is not visible to the user by default.


Not yet implemented.

Wages Tag Group

The Wages tag group is a container for the user's wages.

Only administrators, owners, and users with the Edit Wages & Training Costs account permission will be able to edit a user's wages.

Each wage is contained in a Wage tag and contains the following.


The system-generated identifier of the wage to update.


Indicates whether the user's wage is to be added or updated:

  • Add - Adds the user's wage.
  • Update - Updates the user's wage.


The date that the user's wage took effect. Effective dates are unique for a user's wages.


The wage value as a decimal

API Response XML Package

The API response XML package will always include a Result, Info, and Errors tag.


The response may also contain the following.


The user's email address.


The user's employee ID.

Example API Response XML Package

Below is an example of an API response XML package.



Error Codes

Error CodeMessage
The email identifier provided is not valid.
The employee ID provided is too long.
The given name provided is not valid.
The surname provided is not valid.
The birth date provided is not valid.
The password provided is not valid.
The time zone provided is not valid.
The value for learner notifications must be 1 or 0.
The value for supervisor notifications must be 1 or 0.
The option specified to send email to is not valid. Available options are Supervisor, Self, or Alternate.
The alternate email provided is not valid.
The supervisor email address provided is not valid.
The organization provided is not valid.
You must provide at least one team.
One or more of the team groups provided is not valid.
One or more of the teams provided is not valid.
One or more of the team actions provided is not valid.
A minimum of one custom fields must be provided.
A custom field name and value must be provided for all custom fields.
A custom field name provided is not valid.
A custom field value provided is not valid.
The language provided is not valid.
The value for a user's status must be active or inactive.
The title provided is too long.
The division provided is too long.
The value for allowing feedback must be 1 or 0.
The hire date provided is not valid.
The termination date provided is not valid.
The primary phone number provided is not valid.
The alternate phone number provided is not valid.
The mobile phone number provided is not valid.
The fax number provided is not valid.
The web site address provided is not valid.
The value of address 1 is too long.
The value of address 2 is too long.
The city provided is too long.
The province provided is not valid.
The country provided is not valid.
The postal code provided is too long.
The home group provided is not valid.
One or more of the groups provided is not valid.
One or more of the group names provided is not valid.
One or more of the group actions provided is not valid. Accepted values are Add and Remove.
One or more of the group permissions provided is not valid.
One or more of the group permission actions provided is not valid.
One or more of the group permission codes provided is not valid.
The required permissions are not met to call the updateUser method.
The email address provided is not linked to a user in your account.
The employee ID provided is not linked to a user in your account.
A valid supervisor user must be provided when the SendEmailTo option is set to SUPERVISOR.
A valid email address must be provided when the SendEmailTo option is set to SELF.
A valid alternate email address must be provided when the SendEmailTo option is set to ALTERNATE.
One or more supervisors provided cannot be used.
The organization provided is not valid.
The status provided is not valid. Only ACTIVE or INACTIVE are allowed values
The SendMailTo value provided is not valid. Only PERSONAL or ORGANIZATION are allowed values.
The user doesn't belong to the group you're setting as home group.
You do not have the appropriate permissions to one or more of the groups provided.
You can't remove a user from their home group.
User update failed.
Account user update failed.
Custom field update failed.
Group assignment update failed.
Group permission assignment update failed.
Group removal failed.
Home group assignment failed.
You can't remove a user from their home group.
The requested user cannot be updated via the API.
One or more of the roles provided are not valid.
The AuthenticationType value provided is not valid. Only SmarterU, External or Both are allowed values.
One or more of the venue names provided are not valid.
The Venue Visibility provided is not valid. Only 1 or 0 are allowed values.
An employee must have either a valid email address or valid employee ID.
One or more of the group IDs provided is not valid.
One or more of the wage IDs provided is not valid.
One or more of the wage actions provided is not valid.
One or more of the wage effective dates provided is not valid.
One or more of the hourly wages provided is not valid.
Wage effective dates must be unique.
Wage assignment failed.
Wage update failed.
WageID cannot be 0 when updating a wage.
UU:86The password provided must contain at least <AccountMinPasswordLength> characters.
UU:87The password provided must not exceed <AccountMaxPasswordLength> characters.
UU:88The password provided must contain at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one non-alphanumeric character.

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