Enabling Users to Self-Enroll
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Enabling Users to Self-Enroll

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Article summary

Enabling self-enrollment gives learners the ability to enroll themselves in your courses or learning plans from the learner interface.

There are two main steps to allow users to self-enroll in a course and/or learning plan:

  1. Enable self-enrollment for the course and/or learning plan.
  2. Add a catalog page to the dashboard set(s).

Enabling Self-Enrollment for a Course

Courses can be associated with groups, variants, and requirements. 

Which users should be allowed to self-enroll will determine where you enable the functionality.

To allow users to self-enroll in a course:

  1. Enable self-enrollment for the course based on which users should be allowed to self-enroll. 
To allow these users to self-enroll:Do this:

All users in all groups

  1. Assign the course to All Groups.
  2. Enable self-enroll at the course level.

All users in a group

  1. Add the course to the group from either the Add/Edit Group workscreen or the Course Information workscreen
  2. Enable self-enroll for the course at the group level.

All users enrolled in a subscription variant

  1. Enable self-enroll for the variant's course.
  2. Add the subscription variant to the group(s) from either the Add/Edit Group workscreen or the Add/Edit Variant workscreen.
  3. Enroll users in the subscription variant.

All users assigned a requirement (as a result of being assigned a learning plan)

  1. Enable self-enroll for the requirement's course.
  2. Assign the learning plan to users.
If you want to allow users to self-enroll for multiple courses, you'll need to enable self-enroll for each course. It is not possible to automatically enable self-enrollment for all courses assigned to a group, variant, or requirement.
  1. Ensure that the dashboard set assigned to the groups includes a page with the following settings:
Page SettingValue



Include Course States

Catalog is checked

Enabling Self-Enrollment for a Learning Plan

To allow users to self-enroll in a learning plan:

  1. Assign the learning plan to the group.
  2. Check the Self setting for the learning plan.
  3. Ensure that the dashboard set assigned to the group includes a page with the following settings:
Page SettingValue


Learning Plan

Include Course States

Catalog is checked

Enabling users to self-enroll in a learning plan does NOT automatically enable them to self-enroll in the learning plan's courses. If you would also like to allow users to self-enroll in the learning plan's courses, you will need to enable self-enroll for the course at the requirement level.

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