Users Dashboard
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Users Dashboard

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Article summary

The Users Dashboard enables you to view and manage SmarterU users.

Users Dashboard

You may also add organizations, add teams, and import users from the Users Dashboard. 

Who Has Access

The following users have access to the Users Dashboard:

Viewing the Users Dashboard

To view the Users Dashboard

  1. From the Admin menu, select User Admin.
  2. Select Users.

Users Menu

The Users Dashboard displays. By default, the Users (by surname) list option is selected. 

Users by Surname

By default, the right pane displays the Dashboard tab, indicated by the icon in the tab. The Dashboard tab displays a summary of enrollments and a summary of certifications

Between the summaries and the grid is a toggle for displaying only your supervisees in the grid. 

The grid in the right pane displays the users that you have permission to view with a summary of their enrollments and a summary of their certifications

Refer to Dashboards for more information on refreshing and filtering the Users Dashboard.

The columns displayed will depend on the columns specified for the account. You may hover over a user's name to view the user's contact card.

Displaying Supervisees

By default, the Users Dashboard grid displays all users that you have permission to view. Above the grid is a Show Supervisees Only toggle that enables you to only display users you directly supervise.

When this toggle is enabled (i.e., the checkmark displays in the toggle), the grid is filtered to display only those users where you are selected as one of their supervisors

Show Supervisees Only

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