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Article summary

Get to know SmarterU and its features by watching the videos below. 

Admin-Focused Videos


Automate enrollments, learning plan assignments, notifications, and more!

Features covered in this video include automated enrollments, automated proctoring, scheduled reports, and just-in-time user creation

Customizing Learner Dashboards

See how you can use the Learner Dashboard Builder to tailor the interface for your learners. 

Features covered in this video include themes, dashboard sets, categories, pages, course catalogs, knowledge base, custom pages, Custom Page Builder, and branding


Track learner progress, measure engagement, and receive timely insights using SmarterU's reports.

Features covered in this video include the Enrollment Report, Learning Plan Report, and scheduled reports

User Management

Features covered in this video include Quick User Add, user import, Users Dashboard, and Just-in-Time user creation

Learner-Focused Videos

Accessing SmarterU

See how SmarterU gets learners started off on the right foot. 

Features covered in this video include Single-Sign On, profile editing, password recovery, language selection, themes, and SmarterU Mobile

Compliance Training

Learn how SmarterU makes it easy for learners to find and complete the courses and actions needed for safety compliance training.

Features covered in this video include flat learning plan pages, structured learning plan pages, and certification completion certificates.

Gamification and Discussions

Discover how SmarterU makes learning more fun through gamification and discussions. 

Features covered in this video include points and rewards, leaderboards, and discussions

Resource Library

Explore how SmarterU simplifies sharing resources with employees.

Features covered in this video include knowledge base page layouts, knowledge base search options, and viewing articles

Taking Courses

See how easy it is for learners to access and take courses in SmarterU.

Features covered in this video include content slides, PDF tasks, video tasks, activity tasks, quiz tasks, forms, course details page, course catalog, waiting lists, timeline, and email notifications

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